Located on the outskirts of Elgin, Linkwood was established in 1821, but only started production in 1824 until the 1823 Excise Act was came into effect. The distillery has exchanged many hands and is currently owned by Diageo since 1997.
Linkwood is bottled as a 12-year-old in Diageo’s Flora & Fauna range, and for many years it’s official bottlings have come from Gordon & MacPhail – often from ex-Sherry casks. In terms of cask investment, Linkwood is considered as one of the brands to watch out for as the distillery uses high-quality American Oak and Spanish Sherry casks, with only a small amount released into the market.
Region: Speyside
Area: Moray
Current Owner: Diageo
Founded : 1821
Founder : Peter Brown
No. of wash stills: 3
No. of spirit stills: 3
Capacity (litres): 5,500,000.00
Website: www.diageo.com